01553 404617


01553 404617


The Quick answer is yes! Solar panels have never been more affordable with energy prices sky rocketed and material costs at a all time low. Now is the best time to invest in your property.



The solar panel maths is getting better

As the price of energy has rocketed, generating solar power and using it yourself can mean big savings. Under the smart export guarantee (SEG) scheme, which launched in January 2020, households in Great Britain get paid for solar energy they ‘export’. This is electricity you generate, but don’t use yourself, which is then pumped back into the national energy grid.



You could get paid for any excess energy you generate, but SEG tariffs differ widely

The smart export guarantee (SEG) scheme works by requiring energy suppliers with 150,000+ customers to offer ‘tariffs’ to households in England, Scotland and Wales, which pay a set rate for each kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity you generate from solar panels, but DON’T use yourself. Crucially, the amount you get back depends on the company and ranges from just 1p per kWh to 32p per kWh – so make sure you go for the best-paying tariff you can. Although it doesn’t have to be the same firm that supplies your energy, but with some, it helps you get a better rate if you are a customer already. And keep an eye on the rate you’re getting as many are variable. CRC would strongly recommend octopus energy with some fantastic import and export tariffs like FLUX

The biggest gain comes from using what you generate

First and foremost, you can use the electricity your panels generate, and so reduce your bills. Savings depend on system size, electricity use, whether you’re at home during the day to use the energy you’re producing and other factors. Battery systems add to the system cost but can help provide a great return on investment. If you want to look at cheaper options a hot water diverter like a Iboost is a great way to us up surplice energy.